2021 Hot Topics in Midsouth AG
Plant tissue analysis and soil testing and other hot topics that affect the Midsouth crops and crop consultants are discussed. Participants also gave suggestions for topics for the Consultant’s session at the 2022 Annual Meeting.
Carbon Markets 101
Learn the various aspects of carbon sequestration, as well as the prospects this opportunity brings to crop consultants. This informative webinar starts with carbon quantification from a field and laboratory perspective.
New Technologies in Agriculture
A two-part webinar starts with precision agriculture using aerial imagery and artificial intelligence to scout crops as well as a standardized tool for plot-based measurements. Learn about hydroponic production and how to manage nutrients of plants.
Inside Out: What Goes on Inside the Mind of an Auditor
The basis for this session focuses on how to think like a GLP auditor. Speakers include Doug Grant, USDA-APHIS; Francis Liem, EPA Office of Compliance; Renee Daniel, Perspective Consulting.
Basic GLP Training
This session is intended for those with 0-2 years GLP experience. It gives a basic overview of the GLP regulations with emphasis on the responsibilities of Quality Assurance, Study Directors, and Principal Investigators.